
The Pedagogy of Nature Connection

Co-Facilitating several sessions with EarthDreaming. This is a series of weekend-long workshops exploring different modalities of nature connection: the 8 Shields, Forest Therapy, The Way of Council, The Work That Re-Connects and other Indigenous-based practices. Ancestral skills will also be woven throughout the weekends.

Info and Registration Here

August 25-26th 2018

The 4 Gateways to Nature Connection

Facilitated by Sky Maria Buitenhuis and Marc Barker. Come experience and learn the four gateways of Heart/Soul, Body, Mind, and Spirit through the modalities of the 8 Shields Deep Nature Connection and Cultural Repair practices, Forest Therapy/Bathing, The Way of Council, the Work-That-Re-Connects, indigenous medicine wheels and nature-based ritual  & ceremony. Key tools experienced and explored will be sensory restoration and nature as life’s guide, play, curiosity & the art of questioning, tracking & bird-language, the transformational power of fire, and grief-tending/ritual/ceremony to heal our connection capacity.

Info and Registration at


March 9th-11th 2018: